Monday, October 29, 2007

Rolling Rally Rolls Right Over My Plans

So...I lined up two doctors' appointments back-to-back tomorrow at Mass General. Since I have to hike in from the 'burbs (time off work, traffic, etc), I try to be efficient. And then the mayor goes and announces that the Red Sox rolling rally will be tomorrow, exactly when I'm supposed to be on Cambridge St.

The mind mulls: Postpone the appointments? (It's not that easy to line up the schedule of two different offices.) Drive in and risk being barred from entering the streets I need to use? (Though they can't shut down the road in front of a big hospital, can they? Huh, huh?) Take the T down? (But by the time I need to leave for the T, parking will probably be long gone.)

I'm leaning toward biking to the T, like my hubby. You can always find a chainable location (unlike a car parking spot) and mash yourself onto a T car. It will take longer to ride to Alewife than drive, but will probably be better than trying to fight the traffic in the city itself. And if I get sweaty, I can bring an extra shirt to change into before my appointments.

Maybe I'll even get to see part of the rally between appointments (there's a little break in the middle). After all, it's Sox! In Duck Boats! What more could you want!

Hmmm...ride or cancel? I'm thinking those are my two best options right now. They posted the route on, and it doesn't look promising for my usual drive in to MGH.

What to do, what to do?

Map courtesy of

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