Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sidekick Comment: I Said My Guinea Pigs Are HARMless, not HAIRless

Someone commented on my recent post about our family's guinea pigs, Jennie and Alice, which ran in today's Boston Globe Sidekick. More specifically, the commenter was taken aback by the photo that accompanied the piece--a rather frightening picture of a hairless guinea pig. Although I'm more than happy that the Sidekick editor printed my musings on cavies and the supposed toughness of their owners, I'd like to assure my readers that the Sidekick's "face-only-a-mother-could-love" photo doesn't resemble either of our little ladies. Both Alice and Jennie have sleek, full coats of fur: Jennie is a striking strawberry roan (reddish orange with white highlights) and Alice, as befits her namesake in "Dilbert," is a snappy brunette.

Maybe the photo editor confused my "Harmless" post with my "Hairless" one? Whatever the reasoning, rest assured that our pigs look distinctly to be of the guinea, not hog, variety.

Note: This photo of a black guinea pig is actually from the Haliburton Highlands Secondary School in Canada. My pigs were sleeping when I went to take a photo. But this one looks just like Alice, and as you can tell, she's neither hairless nor scary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God, that's the cutest thing ever. But we couldn't have one of those as a pet because our cat would try to eat it.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Alison Rose said...

Yep--gotta be careful about mixing predators and prey! All my pets (rodents and birds) are prey, and are well aware of it, too. :-)

10:07 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Where is the Sidekick section??? I'm going to have to start reading it... and what is it, exactly??

11:03 AM  
Blogger Alison Rose said...

Good question! There's Sidekick on the Web, which is part of and includes links to Boston bloggers of various types (including moi), as well as posting questions on message boards, photos, little contests, entertainment ideas, etc. Then there's the Sidekick in the paper, which runs Monday through Saturday, and includes some of the above plus the comics, tv listings, and so on. (Here's a note from the Globe about the origins of Sidekick.)

So, I am both an "official" Sidekick blogger (yes, they asked my permission to put up the link--very nice people, actually) and occasionally they reprint one of my posts. Which is wonderful, but that hairless cavy was a leetle unsettling. :-)

11:32 AM  

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