Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Happy Birthday, Amanda!

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (of Yarn Harlot fame) has some beautiful things to say on the occasion of her daughter's 16th birthday. My son still has a few years before hitting 16 (thank goodness--he's growing up fast enough already!). If you have kids, know kids, or just used to be a kid, read it--you'll recognize something of yourself or your child in what she says.

Today, Amanda is a worldly, lovely, decent human being that I like a great deal. (I think the fact that I really like my kid is worth noting.
I am honour bound by the international code of mothering to love her. No matter what she does, no matter who she turns out to be and no matter how much laundry there might be on the way, I have to love her, and honestly....I don't know how I would stop...but liking your kids is optional, and I like her anyway).

Today I'd like to offer Amanda my personal congratulations for surviving 16 years of dodgy mothering. My baby, my funny child, my sweetest first is sixteen years old. She is no longer anything I can call a child, no matter how desperately delusional my hopes are. She is the beginnings of a young woman....and I am going to need to begin to let go a little bit.
Stephanie is about so much more than knitting--she's a fine writer no matter what the topic.


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